The pool should have been IN the room, the kids would have been soooo happy....

The first night that we got there the pool was cool, but the hot tub was a very nice hot/warm. The next morning the hot tub was cool and the pool was freezing. The kids swam anyway, nothing could dampen their swimming spirit... They used the hot tub for a small pool. The girls danced and the boys searched for a bottle cap that they found on the bottom of the pool..

We couldn't send the kids to the pool alone so we had to entertain ourselves. We didn't get back in after the first night. That was enough swimming to last us a year... Scott's checking out the news on his lap-top.

Elijah playing with Tayla and then they danced...

The traditional photo at temple square. The family may have been a little exasperated with me, I kept stopping to take photos for other families, so they could all be in the picture; camera's are not created equal....
O.K. no one cares about my Temple photos, but I'm a photographer, I just can't help myself, I think they are lovely.... look at that lens! I love it... How did I ever live before digital?...
Now any really good photographer will tell you they never make mistakes, which is true... but sometimes something wonderful can occur in a image that may usually be discarded. I have been on a natural, no flash, kick lately, I love the dimension that it adds to a image, and a softness...warm and fuzzy. My camera can take beautiful images in very low light situations. It is amazing! This image in any other moment may have been deleted because of being too much on the fuzzy side, but I got lucky and have a visually stimulating image. Now I will concede to the 'eye of the beholder' thing, so it may not make you go ahhh, but that is the amazing thing about people, we are all so different. But I do hope one or two people will find the unique feel and love this image also....
Malachi was cold and the most unimpressed by the whole light experience. He was whinny and complaining so Eli, being the great guy that he is gave him a lift...

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