March is almost come and gone. We are settled into the regular early year routine. No big holidays, so it's school, school, school. When the weather is warm the kids are outside all the time, we encourage it. We all are looking forward to summer and vacations. I have learned a good deal about patience. I want my room done like yesterday, but I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I will be patient to wait. We are a week away from new carpet, my Dad had to order a tool to fasten the wood floor with before we can put the carpet down. But I see all the things that we have done and I am content to wait it out. Everyone is healthy, school it trudging along...
Here is January, February and March in picture.

Tayla's class has hero week for each child, they get to be the hero. She had her week and they bring in a flag that represents them and their family, so Tayla (with a little help) made this flag with our pictures on it.

They have a bear at the school and all the kids get a chance to bring it home for a day or two, they then take a scrapbook page to show their time together. The kids get so excited for their turn to come...

Jack attack, with two different eyes. Not something you see everyday...

I like this photo of him, the other shows the eyes better...

I worked for hours on this, Joy had a friend who made one for a bridal shower gift. I really liked the idea and had this old frame that I had around for a long time. I really love it!

Here is our new closet!!!!!

My private sink goes where the clothes are hanging. We got to putting everything in and realized that it wouldn't all fit the way I had hoped. I had already planned to finish my sink later, when we had done other more important things (and had some more money...) So I donated my space with the plan that when we can we will remove the armoirs and replace with a wall system that will cover the whole wall, like the units classy closets make...

I am so glad that I thought of the bench it is great to put things on, and to shave my legs!!! On the other side of the glass block is my shower, completely walk in. I could not believe that all the shower places I visited online where not walk in they were step over the stoop and in. I was finally able to find a company that sells a membrane that went under the tile to make it water proof. My Dad put in so much work to design and slope the floor to make my dream a reality...

His and her heights...

The door to the closet (left) and to the hall (right...)

I picked these armiors up at K-mart a year and a half ago, they were on clearance. I got them for a sweet deal. Our store in the valley sold out so I called down to Salt Lake and found one store that happened to have two. The lady there that evening held them for me and my sister went and picked them up for us.... Yea, love an awsome bargain!!!

Door from the bathroom into the closet that Scott is putting together. You go from the bedroom to the closet into the bathroom. The door to the bedroom is around the corner to the right...

I didn't arrange this. I looked over to the couch and here they were. They were sleeping, but the sound of the camera shutter always wakes them up. I took several shots before Jack jumped down to try to get a closer look at the camera.

Lizzy and Malachi set up this lovely scene. The ape is "Omp" and belongs to Malachi and the Bear is Lizzy's. They put this together in the china cabnit that was newly hung on the dinning room wall, I have since painted it black.

The chef was at the other end...

Esther turned 7 at the end of the year but we celebrated it with her friends in January. We had a lua.... They had lots of fun...

Eating pizza...

Tayla put Jack in her purse...

What a character he is...

Here they are sleeping in my bed, they will come in and sleep during the night until Scott gets home and kicks Aggie out to the kids room...

I was checking out my new flash diffuser... without...


Need I say a thing...

Cris loves Jack but found in a couple of days of him being with us that he is allergic... He does fine as long as he doesn't sleep with him, and washes his hands. His eyes get itchy and puffy if he is not careful. This was taken before the reactions came on strong.