This is so much the personalities of these two brothers...

My girls!!!

You couldn't ask for two brothers who love and take care of their sisters more, they are the best!

Anouther week gone already... I had some planters warts on my right foot treated on Tuesday, talk about pain.... Loritab has gotten me by. 5 days later the warts are not as painful, just tender, but my foot is killing me from having to walk on it sideways!!!! I don't know if I can bare to do it again..
Wednesday I went to my sisters home and canned applesause. I was hobbling around her kitchen, and because of my weakend condition got to sit a lot and hold her baby... What a hard life.
My 12 year old is such a good student, likable, friendly, lots of buddies, but flunking three classes at school because he simply doesn't hand in the assignments. I am beside myself on what to do. I have threatened to remove the T.V. from his room. Take away his computer time, not sign him up for winter community basketball, and anything else I can think of to motivate him to pay attention in class and hand in assignments! I gave him the whole "this is your job, just like dad has a job and if you act like this when your a grown-up you get fired, and if you continue I'm going to fire you and simply....go to....school for you....." To say the least we have gone the rounds over this one. To add to my angst if you talk to his grandma she says that his dad was the same way! I'M RAISING MY HUSBAND! So I ask him, what would have helped you when you were that age and he says getting after him... I ask "So that's what would have helped you?" He tells me he wouldn't have liked it, but it would have helped. So here I am practically going to school everyday (checking on his grades and assignments) so that he will get better grades than my husband did at that age, where is the justice, maybe that should be dad's job, yea, let dad deal with it.... Ah, I feel better already.... OK! Fine, the control freak, "you won't stay on top of him" side has just won, guess I have a new job...