Cameron was reaching his "I'm Done" point and so Jen was talking him into just a few more shots... Tayla is older then Charles by 11 months, she was always taking care of little brother, she still is mother hen when we get them together ... Children change and grow so fast, we don't always think of the small details in their lives, like hands. I got them interested in the grain of the wood so that I could get a natural looking shot.
The end of anouther fabulas summer. The weather is just beginning to change. Maybe we need a reminder to take time to watch the clouds go by.... This is called 'not sweating the small stuff'...
This is Tayla and her brother Charles (Cameron). We got them together so I could photograph them for Jared and Christie and families. We had a date scheduled and the night before Charles got hit by a toy and had a swollen lip. I had done Tay's hair in ringlets and she looked angelic. So it figures that the day we were able to take the pictures was a busy one for me and so I didn't have the time to do her hair. Oh well, I figured that she looks like the Tay I see everyday. I just love this shot! The honesty and joy in their faces say it all...
I began taking photo's at a young age, I bought my first camera selling greeting cards. I have evolved over the years and my favorite part of it all is the conection that you make looking through a camera lense. You can see almost into the soul. Everyone should be able to show the best them possible!